The Online Business Training Camp

Learn how to double your income

Go from offering  just Services to Solutions & Digital Products

I'm calling you to be bigger, get out of your own way and follow your dream. Let me walk you through exactly how you can do this. 

Learn How To Bring Your Business Global From Home In Your Slippers!

(4-Part Course)



Create Your Online Business Plan To Leap Your Business Forward

Never be stuck again!!


Click the button below and get started for FREE right away!



8 Steps To Running Your Online Business. 


5 Steps In An Online Business Plan 


Create Your Customised Online Business Plan.


Your Next Step

The Most Empowering Way To Grow Your Business Online And Share Your Magic With The World.

  • Are you stuck in your business?
  • Tired of not growing your business online, even though you really want to?
  • Would you love the big picture so you can see where you are going?
  •  In this Training Camp I will help you take off the blind fold, stop trying to figure out the Online Puzzle without a picture.


What You'll Discover in this 4-Part Course:

  • 8 Steps To Running Your Online Business.
    Is the Online Puzzle Big Picture you never got, this will save you years from TRYING to figure bits N' pieces out slowly and painfully!
  • Create Your Customised Online Business Plan.
    Will show you all the mistakes and shortcuts I learned over the years and how you can create your own Online Business Plan.
  • 5 Steps In An Online Business Plan
    Want to understand what an Online Business Plan Is? I will help you see an Online Business Plan, so you can see where you need to improve and course correct.
  • Your Next Step
    Go from confused to clear and confident, let me show you how.

What Others Are Saying:


  1. Want to go global, but scared and don't know where to start?I'm calling you to play bigger! Giving You 3 starting points.  Show up, learn to be the CEO and work the plan through 5 phases.
  2. Discover the #1 Way to grow your business globally! Hint !- Create Your Online Business Plan 
  3. Even with a plan you are scared let me show you my secret method for being seen while remaining at home to "hide" with your slippers and cuppa!
  4. The Biggest Mistake Online Entrepreneurs make and how to avoid it!Why People Get Stuck and How Best To Run Your Online Business So You Never Get Stuck Again!

Time to get crystal clear so you can achieve your online business goals!

(4-Part Course)

Kim Somers

"I'm absolutely delighted I joined Global Online Stars that was one of my best decisions, I would still be in the Rat Race now if I had not made the move."

Tracy Geraghty

"I could say that I joined because that I knew that my business organisation need more structure , focus and there were things that I needed help with, all of which are true, but the reason that I joined Global Online Stars is because of Martha"

Kristen Ancher 

"I didn’t have a strong presence online. I had no idea what were the smartest steps to take. After the program, I was able to become more visible online and create my first online program. I created my first online program with Martha’s expertise and her wonderful way of delivering her content."

Ready to Get Started? Click the button for Lesson 1: