Global Online Stars Academy  

Ladies Start, Grow, or Scale Your Income Online.  Sharing & Selling What You Know (Already), Not Your Time!  Creating Freedom & Income For Women!

Yes, I Want This!

Because Women Want & Need A New Way To Create An Income!

Without Sacrificing Themselves, Their Income, Life Balance or Family!

Enroll Now!

Our Goal Is To Help You Create New Streams Of Online Income Whatever Your Stage of Business.

There are 3 Tracks In Global Online Stars Academy 

Startup Stars - Setup Your New Side Income/Business To Get Ready To Start Making Money

Want to start your side hustle or business and earn your first 1,000? 

Growth Stars - Create 3-5,000/Month Income

Want to grow your side hustle or business creating reoccurring 5,000 each month? 

Global Online Stars  - Create 10,000+ Months

Grow your beyond your service business by selling your knowledge 

I help new and tired established service businesses, like you, who lack clarity, who want to double their income and share their magic and business online with people all over the world, they have a whisper to go bigger and maybe have some fear! I help you in Global Online Stars to find the courage and clarity to go global from home with multiple streams of income online, all while in your slippers with your favorite cuppa!

This program is for you if you want to share your magic and help more people around the world! Even if you are afraid of being visible! We got you! Time to Go Global From Home And lead the confident kickass life you deserve!

SO WHAT EXACTLY IS Global Online Stars Academy?

Global Online Stars Academy is an online program and community for female entrepreneurs who want to maximize their current income and grow their business online using digital products and online courses. 

Our key USP is that I just do not help your business, I help you grow personally, so that you are ready to go global. 

Global Online Stars is a 5 Phase online training program that teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to grow your business online. Our goal for you in this program is:

  1. Star Me- Get over anything holding you back and honor how you are wired to create a business and life you love using a growth mindset, so you move forward faster. We help you step into your full light and energy to create a vision and mission that excites you! 
  2. Star Money - Understand your money systems and money mindset Update your foundation business processes in place to grow a healthy business that pays you! Always have a clear plan for the next 90 days.
  3. Star Maker - We help you create a star offer, digital products, messaging, business model  and expert system to sell your offers. Create online courses and DIY products to make you more income while you are not working and spread your magic globally! 
  4. Star Share - we help you create an expert marketing system to launch your global expertise.
  5. Star Service - we help you step into a whole new energy of global expertise, launching both you and you business to new impact levels.
  6. Star Sales - Go Global, learn how to expand your audience and grow your business using our paths to profit sales system.
  7. 16+ Bonuses to help you grow into the best online entrepreneur you can be! From mindset to metrics. 

To Business Owners who want to run their business in a new way and create more income!

Ready to grow?

You Can Create A Successful Business 

Learn the formula to building an income, use it to:

  1. Earn an income that pays you a good-great monthly wage.
  2. Double your income and keep increasing it. 
  3. Earn passive income that keeps coming in even while you’re on vacation.
  4. Work with more people in less time. 
  5. Leave a legacy of your knowledge behind for help even more people. 
  6. Create income that keeps coming in if you get sick or your family needs you. 
  7. Get your magic out of your soul that you are here to share and finally no longer be the best kept secret! 



Let's Chat - Ask me a question about GOS


Listen To Anna's Story of how she doubled her income and created her first group course in 4 months! 

Anna wanted to grow her business online. She wanted a team, she wanted to improve her business model and increase her income. She has done all of that and she is just getting started!! Click to play and watch Anna's Story.

Join Global Online Stars Now

Ready To Grow Your Income Online?

Locally, Nationally, Globally?

For women who know they have a message to share.

Yes, I want to double my income and create a successful online business!

Every Week We Have A New Members Onboarding Call. This is to give you a guided tour of Global Online Stars and to set you up for success straight away!The Next New Members Welcome Call Is Coming Up! Will you be on it?









Is this you....? You have Dreams to change how things are in your business right now, you want to grow your business online but you do not even know where to start not to mind how to grow globally!


No matter what your starting point, you may not have a clear plan for the future of your business. You may feel lost and tired. You have dreams, ideas and you want to share your magic with the world because you know you were made for more, but you just don't know how.

You have so much knowledge to share with people, you know online is the solution, but you have no idea where to start.

You want to shine to your full potential but putting yourself out there is scary! You want to become visible online but there are so many options these days, it is overwhelming .

You are also a smart entrepreneur you want to make more but work less to enjoy your life! But right now you are so far from this, it is heartbreaking for you, because you want it so much.

You really want to change your current situation so desperately.

You know if you do not do anything right now, things will either continue as they are, constantly feeling like you are chasing your tail just about staying afloat in your business, or you will get burnt out TRYING to do everything and figure it all out on your own or even worse, you may have to give up on your business dream.

Is this you in this video? 


Ready To Become A Global Online Star? Enroll now!

Enroll Now

Inside Global Online Stars Academy You Will:

Shift Your Mindset, Your Believes, Your Behaviours & Your Actions

Shift your mindset to grow into being an online entrepreneur, what got you here will not get your there. This will help you replace any beliefs or fears that are no longer serving you and strengthen your belief in yourself and your confidence to move forward with action.

Finally, Get Clarity. Create Your Customised Business Model & Business Plan

We will help you create a customised online business plan that will give you incredible clarity for your overall business plan for now and the future, it will help you to maximise the income from your current offers, map out your digital products and digital courses and plan your sales process to sell your products and services. . You will have a clear plan for every 90 days, you will no longer feel lost!

Get Over Your Fears Of Being Visible Online. Create A Marketing Plan You Love!

We will help you master your marketing plan so that you become visible online, despite any fears.

Create New Digital Revenue Streams That Package Your Knowlege To Work While You Don't

We will help you create and sell new revenue streams in your business that will help automate you and your time. allowing you to earn an income and work less in your business with 1:1 clients. This will help you leverage you , your time and your knowledge. . We do this by "draining your brain", packaging of all your amazing knowledge that you have accumulated either with previous clients, from life experience or from your qualifications, or all 3, into digital products like ebooks, self-study courses, audio products, online video courses, etc. We teach you and give you all our templates and scripts so you can how to plan, design , create and implement all you need to create digital products and sell them to your customers. We also show you how to easily outsource this if you do not want to do it yourself!

Enroll Now If You Are Ready To Clarify, Implement and Grow Your Income Online

Enroll Now!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

  • The Global Online Stars Program is a 5 Phase online training course.
  • 15 + Bonuses
  • Group Q, A &A Call EVERY 1st and 3rd Thursday of EVERY month. Join once stay in for as long as you want once fully paid!!
  • Once you join the program, you have continued access to the content and the live calls, every year the program runs.
  • 90 Day Planning Workshops
  • Bonus Workshops

Here Is Whats Exactly In The Program

There are 4 elements to this program, the training, the calls, our community group and the work you implement.

  • The Training: Global Online Stars Program is a 5 Phase training course that you start when you enrol. You can take it at your own pace. However, we will encourage you take the training and implement the material. Within the training centre there are bonus trainings, templates and scripts to ensure your success.
  • The Calls: The calls are on the first and third Thursday of every month at 11am GMT. The calls are ongoing and all recorded.
  • Our Community: The Global Online Star Community stays in touch in our online group on a daily basis with reminders of what you should be working on in your business on a daily basis, questions between peers, and with expert guest appearance
  • You: You are the secret weapon in this program. How you show up, take part is the key to your success, we will provide you the program it is your that must learn, grow and implement it. The program is not a magic pill you must show up for it to work!

Here Is Happens Next Once You Sign Up..

  • After you sign will be registered for our Global Online Stars training centre, where you can login and access the course straight away.
  • You will receive your welcome pack via email that will give you a full overview of your first few steps to set you up for success.
  • You will also receive an invite to a your group welcome call, where we will ensure you have everything you need to get started.
  • You will need to give a minimum of 2 hours a week for this program, to just do the training and the calls, you will need to give 2-8 hours a week to do or outsource the implementation, It is up to you how slow or how fast you implement. You have the content to take the course at a pace that suits you, your schedule and your lifestyle. This is why the program has given you continued access because we understand the program needs time to implement. You may decide to implement the whole program straight away or focus on achieving certain milestones.

The Results You Can Get

  1. You will create your customised online business plan.
  2. You will have your consistent marketing plan.
  3. You will have created your core offers, sales page and sales funnels.
  4. You will have setup/updated your website with your new message and offers.
  5. You will have created digital products for sale on your website.
  6. You will have your first or more online sales.
  7. You will have created and ran your online course.
  8. Finally, these are just the tangible items, amongst all of this you will have grown as an entrepreneur, you will have busted beliefs, let go of fears and learned to show up in a whole new way! You will be shining!

Get Finally Clear On
The Future of your business - Create A Customised Online
Business Plan

Get over sabotage, procrastination and holding yourself back! Gain Confidence with clarity and get your stuff out there!

Follow our templates and scripts that practically guides you through the whole process with ease, fun and flow!

Get continued training,
updates, mentoring and
coaching every year!!
Yes every year!!

Cristianna Blasutta
Life Coach

I feel more in charge of my business now. After the program, I was able to become more visible online and create my first online program.

 I didn’t have a strong presence online. I had no idea what were the smartest steps to take. After the program, I was able to become more visible online and create my first online program. I created my first online program with Martha’s expertise and her wonderful way of delivering her content.

I feel more in charge of my business now. The support is amazing and I love it is a group of like-minded people with the same challenges.

 I would absolutely recommend it!I think it’s about a year since I joined the program. My next goal is to create another program! From Global Online Stars Program I was implementing a system, being able to consistently show up with my marketing, having a plan, and assessing it weekly. 

Video Poster Image

Global Online Stars Curriculum


Time to get you setup for success straight away. We get you setup with your own customised online business profit plan, designed for your business. Time to get clarity in your business model, your customised marketing plan and understand how you will increase your income and create new income streams online! And that's just what we do in your first 2 weeks of Global Online Stars!

Module 1: Business Identity, Time To Get Over Your Fears & Step Up

Identify where you are right now as a business owner, as a person. Discover what has been holding you back? Learn how to identify the business owner you want to be and you want to be and how to step into becoming that person. We will work through the content to help you flush out your beliefs that are holding you back and build on your confidence to bring you forward.

Part 1 Your 7 Identities Of Evolution
Part 2 Your Mindset, Shaping Your Identity
Part 3 Time To Claim Your Power
Part 4 Being a Global Online Star

Module 2: Shine School, Master Your Marketing

Create the best marketing plan for you and your wiring
Create a consistent achievable marketing plan.
Understand the blocks holding you back.
Connect the dots with your beliefs and your marketing success!
Let go and embrace your magic, it is your time to shine!

Module 3: Align: Align Your Lifestyle, Business Model and Profit System.

Design your ideal lifestyle to design a business you love. Get To Grips On Your Expenses
What It Means To Earn An Income and how to design the income you want.
My Annual Income Plan
Your 90 Day Plan

Module 4: Reboot Your Business From Vision To Business Model

REBOOT Your Business Model To Maximise Your Income, Strategy and Website.

Part1 – Your Mission & Vision
Part 2 – Your Framework
Part 3 – Your Business Model

Module 5: Reboot Your Business, Create Your Product Sales Funnel

Part 1 – Your Product Sales Funnel
Part 2 – Outlining Your Product Freebie
Part 3 - Mapping Out Your Traffic Customer Funnel

Module 6: Reboot Your Business Lead Generation Creation

Part 1 – Outlining Your Freebie
Part 2 – Outlining Your Framework Product
Part 3 – Your 90 Day Plan

Module 7: Jumpstart Clarity

Review your ideas for your online course, products or services.
Create a foundation for your digital course/products or service.

Module 8: Jumpstart Designing Your Online Products

Design the course/service/product outline.
Master your sales pages for your online course/product/services.
Understanding your products more and more with each update.
Understanding the power of copy, layout and understanding your audience.
Learn to match the belief in your products with desire of your customers to achieve a solution for their business or life.
Your products are not just products, they solutions to make a difference.

Module 9: Jumpstart Setup & Test Your Online Products

Get trial testers for your online course/products/services. so that they will try and test it while you build it!
Grow confidence with action, implementation and getting your work out to the world.

Module 10: Jumpstart Creating Your Products

Create the content of your digital course/products/services.
Take your course map and implement each module.
Repeat this part of the course everytime, tweaking your products and services to deliver excellence to your clients.

Module 11 : Go Global, Get Customers From All Over The World

Understand what online selling is, how to create a serving and selling framework that suits you and aligns to your values. And most of all sells your course and offers.Learn about launches and how to create your own product launch per offer that you offer.



Recorded 3 day Online Clarity Event: "Create Your Customised Business Plan"

This event is invaluable to your whole journey. You will get a helicopter view of your whole business and your blueprint to your best year ahead.


Shine Online In 30 Days

This is a complete free course. Value €97
Get over your fears and Shine Online! Learn what social media to use and how to get into action now!


How To Design 100+ Pieces of Content To Sell Your Product Or Service

This workbook will help you map out 100 blogs or pieces of content to help you sell your courses and offers. !


My Weekly Productivity Tips

This event is invaluable to your whole journey. You will get a helicopter view of your whole business and your blueprint to your best year ahead.


How To Make My Week Work

This is a complete free course. Value €97
Get over your fears and Shine Online! Learn what social media to use and how to get into action now!


From Breakdown To Breakthrough

This training will guid you through any breakdown to your breakthrough! Never be alone again when the shit hits the fan, instead watch this to help you.


Growing Up In Your Business

This bonus training will give you the wisdom perhaps that you didn't know you need, until you watch it. Sometimes the hardest part of growing your business is facing yourself and accepting what has to change both in your business and you!


90 Day Planning

You can't get anywhere without a plan. Through out GOS we will always be using your next 90 day plan. At all times you will know what your next steps are.

This training and worksheets gives you exactly what you need for your best next 90 days.


62 Great Books For Entrepreneurs

Life and business are one great journey of learning. Always be opening to learning and growing.

I share with you my best books I have read over the years and my secret weapon - my book implementation worksheet!


Create a Selling Webinar In 14 Days Workbook

Procrastination can take over anything, however when you have a process to follow, there is no time for procrastination.

Follow this workbook and simply create your webinar to sell your product, service or course.


Create Your Podcast Cheatsheet

This is the very simple cheatsheet to help you understand the components of creating a podcast. Follow these instructions to beat procrastination and just get it implemented!


Your Business Emergency Worksheet

Sometimes it pays to be prepared for times when we are not sure what or when could happen to us or some loved one. Use this worksheet to get your digital business in order.


Your 100K RoadMap

Use this bonus to create your own 100K roadmap, very easily from the examples given. 


How to Make Your First €10,000 With Just Facebook and Paypal

If you are starting out, you don't need to worry, we got you. You do not need alot of technology, I did it with just facebook and paypal and so can you!


How to Find A Virtual Assistant

We help you setup a team so you do not have to do it alone. Also we help you find help you can afford right now. Say goodbye to tech headaches! 


Facebook Advertising

No idea where to start with facebook advertising? We help you understand how it all works!

Don’t wait! Look at Kim has to say about this course

Kim Somers
Owner of UltraFlex School of aDance

"I'm absolutely delighted I joined Global Online Stars that was one of my best decisions, I would still be in the Rat Race now if I had not made the move."

I joined Global Online Stars as I knew I needed to move forward in my business but I wasn't sure how. I needed to implement processes that would improve my communication between me and my clients and staff and I wanted to also expand online in the future.

What wasn't working before Global Online Stars was mostly planning and communication having a clear plan as to what my business would look like in the coming year and having that framework to be able to call on, so I knew what I had to do and scheduled time to do it.

I was 22 years and business and never once had I asked for help and mentorship. I could feel something shifting in the business I knew I would move forward but I just knew I couldn't do it on my own, I needed expert advice and guidance and felt I owed it to my business and myself to seek professional mentoring. I was tired of doing it alone, it can be a very lonely journey as an entrepreneur.

I'm glad I'm part of the Global Online Stars community, it really has helped in more ways than one, feeling part of the community that really gets you it's fantastic.

Since joining Global Online Stars I have expanded so much, I now have an online membership site, I have 4 courses for sale online, I'm finally running my teacher training and certification and developed my very own unique dance teaching framework, the first in Ireland of its kind.

I have a brand new website and a bright new future even during these terrible times (Covid19), my business is continuing to expand and grow. The framework is one of the best things I have done, it is giving me a clear understanding of what it is I am offering and the stepping stones I need to take in order to achieve it. Not only that it allows me to sell my expertise, offer my help and support and so many ways, so this has been the major breakthrough for me.

In the Global Online Stars program, I have found helpful everything from the welcome call, right down to the 3-day intensive. The program allows you to learn so much, not just from your own experiences but from other problems and solutions, you may never have thought of, it's just fantastic.

I have changed too since joining the program, I can definitely see I come to the desk more focused, with an action plan instead of spending hours pondering. I think designing the life I want and constantly realigning it with my business has been a huge change. I'm very passionate about my work and sometimes it takes over and everything else takes a second seat but since Global Online Stars I have slowly made the transition to putting myself first and asking anything else I take on, is it aligned with my mission and my business plan.

I love the fact that we really are Global, speaking and hearing people in different countries all over the world, all wanting to help and change people's life. It's just amazing they are so supportive and as an entrepreneur, it can be a lonely world but the Global Online Star call is so important to me, it helps me touch base with myself and knowing I'm in a community that has got my back if I need anything, even if it's just a moan, it's something I have never had in my life, I truly appreciate it.

I'm absolutely delighted I joined Global Online Stars that was one of my best decisions, I would still be in the Rat Race now if I had not made the move. I would highly recommend anyone who is sitting on the fence or just thinking about how they can move forward in their business, make changes for the better, take back their own life, if you learn how to detach from their business, create a master business plan, a framework, go for it! You won't be disappointed.

I'm in Global Online Stars for just 1 year! My biggest achievement I am most proud of is setting up my Online Academy, was one of my big dreams. Being able to support students outside of the dance class especially those who may not be able to afford extra tuition, who may not be able to get to me, now I can come to them. Developing my own unique dance platform called FlexYoStyle. My next goal is to develop teacher training and certification which will be the self-study, with the view to run a VIP teacher training certification.


About The Course Teacher, Martha Fraser

Martha is a global online business mentor and coach. She has been running, mentoring and coaching businesses for almost 10 years online.

Martha is an ex Software Engineer of 14 years, who then qualified as a Nutritional Therapist and put her own nutritional business online. Martha started her own online journey one weekend many years ago when she first created her first online program and in one weekend she made her first €500 online. This was the beginning of the next decade of great success online.

She has worked with 100's of clients in over 15 different countries, running multiple online programs and mutluples income streams. She has helped clients go from 0 to online hero's setting up systems, new income streams and 5 figure launches. She is 93% score as a technical integrator. She has worked across all online platforms setting up multiple online systems and integrations. So she can advise you on practically any and every system. She has worked with clients applying various different business models from creating digital products to online courses to VIP clients.

From this point she went from strength to strength online. It is her combination of online tech know how, incredible coaching and a big heart that differentiates Martha and her programs from others. Martha's vision is to help the world through her courageous Global Online Stars Members. She believes that with her coaching and your brilliance, together we can make a difference. She wants your success more than you know, because she wants to achieve her mission of helping as many people globally as possible. She needs your magic out in the world helping others, to make it happen! Her testimonials speak for themselves, read and watch for yourself.

Why Joining Global Online Stars Is An Easy Yes!

The Value of this course is so much more than the price. Besides over 50 online lessons, 20 calls a year, Each Year You Join In!, over 5 bonuses, 2 bonus courses and an online community for daily accountability how you will fast forward your business and yourself is so much more than you could ever achieve on your own!

I have seen many clients that I have worked with fast forward their clarity and online strategy in 1 hour that might have taken them 6 months to figure out on their own! Working with me one to one over this length of time would cost up to €20,000! You get this course, training, calls, community, mentoring and coaching for much much less!

How You Can Make It Work For You!

Pick A Track Or Get Access To Everything in Global Online Stars AND Annual Renewal For Free!

Global Online Stars
Full Payment


1 Year Mastermind, Then Renewal Free!

  • 2 week's free trial.
  • Access To Everything!
  • Get access for 1 year and every year after this! Renewal is FREE with love! 
  • Our Goal Is To Help You Create Multiple Online Income Streams That Gives You Freedom and Income 5k-15k+/month in online sales.
  • Access to All 3 Programs, Startup Stars Program, Growth Stars Program, Global Online Stars. 
  • Bonus 90-minute private 1:1 Business Clarity & Planning coaching call - Create Your Customised Online Business Plan
  • Welcome Group Call
  • Lifetime Access, join one year, get access every year!
  • Immediate Start
  • 2 Q&A Group Calls a week
  • Thursday 11am Dublin/London Time
  • Thursday 9pm Dublin/London.
  • Member Training Centre
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 16 bonuses
  • Bonus Workshops
  • Quarterly Planning Meetings
  • Monthly Deep Dive Hot seats give a chosen member an acceleration in their business. 

Growth Stars
Full Payment


6 Month Program

  • 2 weeks free trial.
  • 6 Month Program
  • Our Goal Is To Help You Create 3k-5k/Months Online Income In Your Business.
  • Welcome Group Call 
  • Immediate Start
  • 1 Q&A Group Call a week Thursdays 1pm Dublin/London Time.
  • Member Training Centre
  • Access to Private Facebook Group

Startup Stars
Full Payment


3 Month Program

  • 2 weeks free trial.
  • 90 Day Program
  • Our Goal Is To Help You Setup and Start Your Side Income/Business
  • Welcome Group Call 
  • Immediate Start
  • 1 Q&A Group Calls a week Thursdays 12pm Ireland Time.
  • Member Training Centre
  • Access to Private Facebook Group

Every Week We Have A New Members Onboarding Call. This is to give you a guided tour of Global Online Stars and to set you up for success straight away!The Next New Members Welcome Call Is Coming Up! Will you be on it?









14 Day Refund Policy.

We all know that signing up to any program can be a big decision. We understand, it is your money and you want to know you are spending it on something that will really help you get to your best next step! We get it and we have your back. If you join us and after 14 days you just feel our incredible welcome , community, online training and group calls are not for you, then you can cancel straight away no questions asked.

However, once the 14 days are past you are automatically contracting to pay the full amount. This is not a membership, where you can cancel any time. But we will know you will love it! We have seen all those programs that promise the world and don't deliver. We do, we are about to bring you on an incredible journey you will not regret.

Frequently Asked Questions

Just click on the question to see the answer!

Pick A Track Or Get Access To Everything in Global Online Stars AND Annual Renewal For Free!

Global Online Stars
Full Payment


1 Year Mastermind, Then Renewal Free!

  • 2 week's free trial.
  • Access To Everything!
  • Get access for 1 year and every year after this! Renewal is FREE with love! 
  • Our Goal Is To Help You Create Multiple Online Income Streams That Gives You Freedom and Income 5k-15k+/month in online sales.
  • Access to All 3 Programs, Startup Stars Program, Growth Stars Program, Global Online Stars. 
  • Bonus 90-minute private 1:1 Business Clarity & Planning coaching call - Create Your Customised Online Business Plan
  • Welcome Group Call
  • Lifetime Access, join one year, get access every year!
  • Immediate Start
  • 2 Q&A Group Calls a week
  • Thursday 11am Dublin/London Time
  • Thursday 9pm Dublin/London.
  • Member Training Centre
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 16 bonuses
  • Bonus Workshops
  • Quarterly Planning Meetings
  • Monthly Deep Dive Hot seats give a chosen member an acceleration in their business. 

Growth Stars
Full Payment


6 Month Program

  • 2 weeks free trial.
  • 6 Month Program
  • Our Goal Is To Help You Create 3k-5k/Months Online Income In Your Business.
  • Welcome Group Call 
  • Immediate Start
  • 1 Q&A Group Call a week Thursdays 1pm Dublin/London Time.
  • Member Training Centre
  • Access to Private Facebook Group

Startup Stars
Full Payment


3 Month Program

  • 2 weeks free trial.
  • 90 Day Program
  • Our Goal Is To Help You Setup and Start Your Side Income/Business
  • Welcome Group Call 
  • Immediate Start
  • 1 Q&A Group Calls a week Thursdays 12pm Ireland Time.
  • Member Training Centre
  • Access to Private Facebook Group

"I Need Accountability"

Hi there,

So here is the thing. I have done years of training business owners, I have done and invested in many coaches myself. So I know what people need, because at one point I needed it too.

Of all the training, coaching and mentoring I have had the one thing I really needed was accountability to help me show up and grow up, so that I wouldn't be afraid to rise to my full potential. I needed help when I was too scared, when I didn't believe in myself.

And this is where we plan on being different. This is where we have got you. Because you are helping us build our vision and mission of a Global Online Star Family changing the world.

We want you to succeed more than you know :)

"Not Sure If You Are Ready?"

It isn't easy to step outside of your comfort zone.

It isn't easy to shine brighter than you have ever done before. It is not easy to think that you can really achieve all you want to achieve.

Is It Really Possible?

Honestly, it will take you saying yes, taking responsibility for making change in your business. Doing this program won't do it on it's own, but you implementing it will.

You are going to make a difference in the world. You don't have to have it all figured out yet, you just have to have the courage to surrender finally and say yes to the whisper, that you know you really want to fulfil.

Life is short, it is time, to shine.

"We Are Creating A Family Of Global Online Stars, It Is So Exciting!"

So whether you join us or not, you need to grow in your business. We would love you to join our family, so we can support you to shine as bright as possible.

Growing your business online, takes courage, takes bravery to be your truest authentic self, to create a business that grows to help people around the world, using automated systems, processes and marketing. Most important it takes YOU :)

We want to give you everything you need to succeed.

If you feel this is for you we are so excited to have you join us.

Are you excited, are you ready? Say yes and join us!

Enroll now before Global Online Stars Goes Up To Full Price!

Enroll Now!

What Happens When You Become A Global Online Star

  • A Global Online Star is someone who is running a component or all of their business online.
  • They have customers all over the world.
  • They are showing up every week with high energy marketing their business, solving problems for their customers,
  • They are highly visible on their social platforms and also offline.
  • Their business is more than a business, it is a dedication to helping their customers.
  • They are shining like they have never before and they are being 500% their authentic selves.
  • They have setup systems and processes to help manage their online business.
  • They have created or updated their website with a clear message and offers.
  • They are no longer dependant on a business that is dependant on them.
  • They have more time to do the things they love.
  • They have a global online platform to reach as many people possible around the world.
  • They are no longer afraid of expanding their business online.
  • They have found courage, strength, friendship and support of like minded people.
  • They are contributing to changing the world, they are now creating their purpose and leaving a legacy.

Tracy Geraghty
Success and Leader Coach

"There are so many business programs online and they all work from the same script but Martha runs her program with passion, integrity and from the heart."

I could say that I joined because that I knew that my business organisation need more structure , focus and there were things that I needed help with, all of which are true, but the reason that I joined Global Online Stars is because of Martha.

There are so many business programs online and they all work from the same script but Martha runs her program with passion, integrity and from the heart. She can see the bigger picture and also that everyone is individual and have our own style. Rather than mould everyone to fit the aforementioned script, she allows that individuality to flourish.

I had lots of ideas and content and a vague idea for an online program but no real plan. I had too many things on the go but wasn't finishing anything and I was lacking in clarity. I attended the SOS get your business online course that Martha ran and was so impressed in the amount I achieved in a few days and knew that her GOS program was the one for me. I also needed to make a change in how I attracted clients as my main method had been speaking at events and this had all vanished with Covid19 lockdown.

I started with a mini online program which I got out doing the SOS program and that experience and what I was learning through GOS gave me the push to put together my first real online program called Be You, Bravely. I got out of my own head and created something that I am really proud of.

Moreover, I am developing, a proper business plan for how I can expand and grow what I am doing. Martha has provided us with a solid structure to create and grow from, like a strong foundation.

I have developed and started 2 online programs. Created a solid business plan ( that actually makes sense and is doable) Become more organised and taken a more grown up approach to my business .The 3 day intensive was great, exhausting but really good. I came away with a really strong vision for my future and a simple roadmap to get there.

Removed my expectations of what I want and focused more on the end user. Learnt that even when no one else shows up, I still have to. This stopped me from canceling my 1st mini program and instead of having a really great turn out and growing from the experience.

I believe that when we take the hard steps the universe will meet us in the middle. I am more willing to just get in the game and try things. It's like having a safe support network around you. We are all there to celebrate each others wins and provide the hugs when someone is having an off day.

I would highly recommend GOS! There are so many BS courses out there but Martha's program is the real deal! I have created an online program from scratch in a couple of months and I am so proud of it. I have nearly finished the first run and had an amazing group on board. I am giving it the room to grow and evolve but I am so happy with what I have to date and feel excited about where it can go from here.

I am only in GOS 3 months so far! My goals are to continue to grow my online program and create some mini DIY programs to use as a stepping stone for either Be You, Bravely or 1:1 coaching. Finish writing the book I started at the beginning of lockdown which compliments the course and uses the same framework.

We Believe In You

People like you and I can either ignore the calling and try to have a "normal" life, that your friends or family will understand.


You can finally give in and follow your heart even if you don't know all the steps. By surrendering to your calling to step up to be more, give more the universe will hear you and align to make your purpose possible.

You just have to say YES and follow through with the work to bring you there.

Global Online Stars are People Who Are Stepping Into Their Into Their Heart Vision, Even Though It Scares Them. They Know They Are Going To Make An Impact and A Difference.

This Is What is Important.

Faith Replaces Fear.

Are you Ready?

(Even If You Are Not Sure Yet! )

Are you ready to follow the whisper inside of you?

Even if you are worried you will fail, succeed, be judged, nervous of being visible online and for the other 1000 more reasons you are thinking right now...

People will judge you anyway, it is actually a milestone that you are showing up, doing you!! Don't leave this world having NOT played fully out BEING YOU!!

So one more question....are you ready to play fully out to your mission & BEING fully you?

Enroll Now If You Are Ready To Clarify, Implement and Grow Your Business Online

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Global Online Stars
Full Payment


1 Year Mastermind, Then Renewal Free!

  • 2 week's free trial.
  • Access To Everything!
  • Get access for 1 year and every year after this! Renewal is FREE with love! 
  • Our Goal Is To Help You Create Multiple Online Income Streams That Gives You Freedom and Income 5k-15k+/month in online sales.
  • Access to All 3 Programs, Startup Stars Program, Growth Stars Program, Global Online Stars. 
  • Bonus 90-minute private 1:1 Business Clarity & Planning coaching call - Create Your Customised Online Business Plan
  • Welcome Group Call
  • Lifetime Access, join one year, get access every year!
  • Immediate Start
  • 2 Q&A Group Calls a week
  • Thursday 11am Dublin/London Time
  • Thursday 9pm Dublin/London.
  • Member Training Centre
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 16 bonuses
  • Bonus Workshops
  • Quarterly Planning Meetings
  • Monthly Deep Dive Hot seats give a chosen member an acceleration in their business. 

Growth Stars
Full Payment


6 Month Program

  • 2 weeks free trial.
  • 6 Month Program
  • Our Goal Is To Help You Create 3k-5k/Months Online Income In Your Business.
  • Welcome Group Call 
  • Immediate Start
  • 1 Q&A Group Call a week Thursdays 1pm Dublin/London Time.
  • Member Training Centre
  • Access to Private Facebook Group

Startup Stars
Full Payment


3 Month Program

  • 2 weeks free trial.
  • 90 Day Program
  • Our Goal Is To Help You Setup and Start Your Side Income/Business
  • Welcome Group Call 
  • Immediate Start
  • 1 Q&A Group Calls a week Thursdays 12pm Ireland Time.
  • Member Training Centre
  • Access to Private Facebook Group