Hey, there it is, Martha Fraser, and welcome to this episode, your 2023 Abundance. So it is almost the end of January when I'm recording this, and perhaps you are gone into the next month of February when you hear this or maybe it's even later on in the year. So what I want this podcast episode to be for you is a tuning session, a tuning session so that you can tap into your goal for 2023. So over as many years as I've been working online working for myself, taking clients, you know, I've always spoken about goals, and this year I'm doing something different. I'm speaking about abundance and manifestation, and I almost have a little, a slight cringe because over the years I've listened to people talk about abundance and manifestation and, you know, I kind of understood it, but honestly I never really did.
Now, coming from the side of someone who actually gets it, and maybe that's why I never really fully understood it, cuz I never really got it. I kind of thought, oh yeah, manifestation and abundance, it's kind of over there. That kind of thing is over there. And, and, you know, people who spoke about it, I always thought, wow, you know, that sounds amazing and I never quite could get it. And over Christmas, I want to share with you an experience that happened to me. So my little girl was really sick. She had a bad temperature for 10 days. Anyways, so basically we didn't have, we didn't get up too much over Christmas and that just led me to having time in the house to read, to study, to watch videos, to just explore read books. And I deep dived into manifestation and it has just blown my mind, absolutely blown my mind because what I really learned was how manifestation and abundance actually works. And so far in less than a month, it has blown my mind as to how it has affected me in
My life. So how, where do I see the evidence now of abundance and manifestation? So before I guess I would've been very I don't know, delayed maybe in, in my, in my actions. Maybe that's a good way of describing it. So, simple things about going on holidays, you know, I would kind of stall, I would delay, I would put off and not put off going, but just the booking of it and the whole, you know, all of that kind of thing. And since this has happened I have booked stuff, I have jumped into life. I have just gone into action because I have completely changed my mindset and my belief of myself, my belief of my abundance, and my belief of what I can make possible. And by doing this, it has really allowed me to tap into goal planning in a different way because honestly, I don't think I can even call it goal planning anymore because if you're planning a goal, you are planning from a point of where it hasn't happened.
But if you are manifest manifesting it, you are manifesting it from the point of where it has happened. Therefore, you're coming at the goal from two completely different angles, right? So let's just say you want to say, right, I want to make 50 K or a hundred k or two 50 k, or whatever the hell your goal is, right? 75 k or whatever it is, right? 1 million, 2 million. And you say, okay, my goal is I want to make this amount of money. Whereas if you're manifesting it, you say, I have made 500,000, I have made 1 million, I have made 50,000. And the energy of the manifesting is you are already putting yourself in that energy of having achieved it. Having cr created that result yourself and the power of that is just incredible. I honestly, I have felt the transformation in my life already in just four weeks. And for me like when I think now the way that I use goal plan, you know, I'd be like, okay, I'm kind of go going from here. It was almost like you're pushing a rock up a mountain because you're trying to push the rock up with the energy of the person of who you
Are now, as opposed to tapping into the energy of the person who has achieved the result and that person has way more energy. So I hope this is making sense to you. This is all completely so new to me, and I'm gonna talk about it as I learn more and more about it. And why I'm talking about it is because honestly, I'm so frigging excited about it that and, and it's effect on me in just four weeks. Four weeks. So like how I'm jumping into life, my health has transformed in four weeks. You know, watch the space, you're gonna see changes that I just can't believe to be honest. So anyway so what I want you to do now is tap into your abundance feeling for 2023. So what you want to tap into by the end of 2023, what you want to have achieved and who is that person who has achieved that result, right?
So we're not, we're not talking, we're talking about the goal, but we're talking more so about the person who has achieved the goal because that's what we really want to tap into. We want to tap into that energy of the person who's achieved the goal. So let's take a minute. I want you to really sit and visualize that person sit and really tap into that energy. Oh my god, okay, I'm getting goosebumps, I'm getting goosebumps. I hope you're getting goosebumps too. I'm sending you amazing energy right now to really connect in with. So visualize that person that is you, that has achieved that results the end of 2023. See what she looks like. What does she feel like? What is the energy around her? What clothes is she on? What weighs her hair? How is she standing? What kind of super pose is she's standing in?
And run up and give her a big juicy hug. A big, big juicy hug. Now, in some of my work with my global online stars, I do a lot of meditations where we actually kind of really tap much, much deeper into the energy of meeting ourselves who has achieved these results. So this is a mini, mini, mini version today. So just really connect in with that energy. And what I want you to do is visit that energy every day, visit her, get to know her, get to tap into her, and bring that energy to the desk. Bring that energy to the desk every morning. And that is gonna set you up to connect in with the actions you need to take. We might do this maybe in another podcast episode where we connect in deeper, but when you can connect in with that energy, you are going to show up in a whole new way.
You're gonna show up in faith, you're gonna show up in trust, you're gonna show up and take actions. You are going to show up. And this is what I have really felt in the last as I said, only four weeks. You know, I have seen massive transformation in how I am showing up in my work, in my life, in my relationships to my kids. Honestly, this stuff is unreal. And , you know, I am definitely the converted and the believer and look, I'm just expressing what is working for me and honestly, this stuff is too good not to share. So tap into that energy, connect in with your 2023 abundance self and really feel what you feels like, bring that energy to every day so you can show up and take the actions that are going to get you that result and achieve that result.
Because when we are showing up in that energy, we are showing up and we are going to do the actions that we want to achieve. Whereas when we bring our current energy to the desk, we're going to get our current results. And that's not what we want. We want different results for the end of 2023. So I hope this episode has made sense. I'd love your comments . And if you want more on this juicy, juicy, juicy, abundant manifestation energy in these podcasts, I will bring more and more of that to you. So I'm so excited for 2023 for you. I can't wait to see what your what your results are gonna be. Comment down below this episode was good for you. If any questions, love to hear them. And also make sure you go to martha fraser.com where you are going to find free training for the online business training camp, where I help you connect in and discover how you're gonna share your magic and your business online and how you're gonna create your online business and double your income. So make sure you go to martha fras.com and get that free training, the online business training camp. I will see you in the next episode. Thank you so much for joining me today, and as always subscribe to this podcast, review and share with a friend who you think needs this today. Thank you so much and I will talk to you soon. Take care. Bye-Bye.